Hi Folks,
A few reminders:
Social Roll-up:
Our Touring game on Friday 30 August is cancelled (by them!) so we are having a Roll-up from 2pm to 5pm. Weather looks good, so get your name down on the sheet in the clubhouse. If it is too far for you to walk down there, let me know & I will put your name down!
How about ‘Bowls & Burgers’ or ‘Play & Pizza’? We can pre-order pizzas or burgers from the ‘Captain Pizza’ van at Northwood House to eat after the roll-up at the clubhouse. I will send out the menu later but prices are approximately £9 – £10 each. Sue can recommend the pizzas as she has tasted them regularly and I’ve eaten the odd burger or two which are really good!
Club Draw:
Many thanks to everyone who has paid their £20 already for next month’s start of the new Club Draw – the more we get, the bigger the money-prizes each month. You can pay by bank transfer (details in previous message), by cheque or by cash.
Important Dates:
Saturday 28 September: President’s Day (games then ‘American Supper’)
Tuesday 8 October 7pm: Club AGM (nominations sheet for club officers is on the noticeboard)
Saturday 26 October: Presentation Evening (at the Community Club – details out soon)
Touring Games:
We have four Touring Games remaining on Wed 4 Sept, Sun 8 Sept, Sun 15 Sept & Tues 1 Oct. Teams have been selected & will be on the noticeboard soon. However, the Men’s A Team are in the Ridett Cup Final on 15 Sept, so the usual crew who make the teas & sell the drinks from the fridge are not available, so can you help? This is also the case on 1 Oct, volunteers needed please!