Mental Health Services on the Island
It is important that we look after our own mental wellbeing as well as those around us and know where to seek help if needed. Connecting with others, staying physically active and opening up a conversation about mental wellbeing can help people to cope while also finding services to support them if needed.
It is only by talking about issues that we can begin to break the stigma surrounding mental ill health and help to prevent suicide.Isorropia, have produced an informative film which highlights the different mental health support services that are available across the Island.
The short video has been made in collaboration with the Youth Trust, Aspire, Two Saints, Working Towards Wellbeing, and our NHS colleagues. We’re delighted to share this with you and we hope you’re inspired to share this across your platforms and with your colleagues
By spreading and sharing this film the aim is to raise awareness of the different support services available so people know where to go to seek help should they need it. Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation funded this project.
Mental Health services on the Isle of Wight use the Red, Amber, Green Triangle to identify the level of risk and direct people to the Mental Health Services that best fit their needs.
Green – Low Risk and preventative, self help and Community based support. Online Resources, Sign-Posting, Talking Therapies or Wellbeing Interventions
Amber – Moderate Risk and may require more specialist support – Workshops, Counselling or Therapy
Red – High Risk and may require immediate intervention – Hospitalisation or Crisis Support
For further information on Mental Health Services on the Island, visit Directory of Services, Events and Advice on the Isle of Wight – Isle Find It and watch the film regarding Mental Health Services on the Island