Hi All
Some information for you:
There is now a folder in the Clubhouse in which to book rinks. It already has the League Fixtures and some County Competitions included but, obviously, even if you have booked for a practice/roll-up, national competitions and county competitions will take precedence. Please do not block book each day, so that others have a fair chance of practising too.
There are sheets on the noticeboard for you to put your names down for our first two Touring Games on Sun 19th May (7 mixed rinks) and Wed 22nd May (6 mixed triples). As always, I will try to ensure that everyone who puts their name down will play in at least one game.
We are holding our President’s Opening Day on Sunday 28th April at 2pm. Steve Morris will organise rinks to play so please be prompt if you want to take part. Dress code is club tops & whites. Steve hopes that everyone will stay afterwards to socialise with drinks available from the fridges.