
Newsletter 2

Hi FolksAnother busy week of Bowls ahead for many of us! Also, don’t forget to put your name down for what food you are bringing to the President’s Open Day on Sunday 2nd June. The list is on the noticeboard in the clubhouse and hope that as many of you as possible can come along […]


Newsletter 1

Hi FolksAt least we have had a sunny start to the new Outdoor Season, and positive results in the main, from the Men’s D Team at Bembridge and the Ladies’ B Team at Sandown, while the Men’s C Team struggled on Saturday against Shanklin D – I think those of us showing our legs in […]



Hi All Some information for you: There is now a folder in the Clubhouse in which to book rinks. It already has the League Fixtures and some County Competitions included but, obviously, even if you have booked for a practice/roll-up, national competitions and county competitions will take precedence. Please do not block book each day, […]


Green now open…..

Hi All, Our First Day on the green has gone well and it was good to see a number of people come down for a practice. The green played well and, thanks to everyone who was careful, there was no need to put down the protective mats. However, it might still be necessary if we […]


Open Day

Hi Folks Happy Easter, everyone, hope you haven’t eaten as much chocolate as me today! “If you go down to the woods (i.e. park) today” – you will see some banners around (see attachment) with details of our two Open Days on Friday 26 April & Saturday 27 April, both from 1pm to 3.30pm. Also […]