
Newsletter 6

I hope you have all recovered from Last Night’s nerve-jangling England Match & I wonder how many people all over the Country have phoned into work sick today after celebrating?! Another busy week of Bowls is over (but at least we have played in good weather) and another hectic one to come in both League […]


Newsletter 5

Hi Folks,Thank you to everybody who came down to the President’s Day on Sunday. It was a really enjoyable, sociable afternoon with lots of good food, thanks to the generosity of those who brought it along. Of course, I felt that it was my responsibility to taste everything first, to ensure that it was ok. […]


Newsletter 4

Hi Folks, Well, here we are almost into June and is the weather turning better, or have I just damned it?! President’s Day: Don’t forget our rearranged President’s Day is on Sunday (2 June). We plan to start serving food at 12.30pm then play bowls afterwards. Many thanks to all those who have put their […]


Newsletter 3

Hi Folks It’s been another busy week with all our teams in action in the League and County Competitions. There is no let up next week too, with League, County Competitions and cup games being played. Today, we hosted our first Touring side from Wiltshire in a 7 rink game, which we won quite convincingly. […]


Newsletter 2

Hi FolksAnother busy week of Bowls ahead for many of us! Also, don’t forget to put your name down for what food you are bringing to the President’s Open Day on Sunday 2nd June. The list is on the noticeboard in the clubhouse and hope that as many of you as possible can come along […]